The Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey
The Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey, Inc. (CMMNJ) is an all-volunteer, non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization. The mission of CMMNJ is to educate the public about medical marijuana. The goal of CMMNJ is to have safe and legal access to plant medicine for all qualified New Jersey patients. CMMNJ was 21 years old on March 10, 2024. CMMNJ was instrumental in getting the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act introduced into the New Jersey Legislature in 2005 and signed into law in 2010. Legal sales of medical marijuana in the state began on December 6, 2012. In 2014, CMMNJ’s Board of Directors endorsed legalization of marijuana since legalization is the best way to get this essential medicine to the most people. Legalization will also start to undo the harms that are caused by drug prohibition. In 2021, New Jersey became the 13th U.S. state to fully legalize marijuana. In 2023 CMMNJ’s Board voted to endorse psychedelic research and the safe use of psychedelics by supporting New Jersey Bill S2283, the “Psilocybin Behavioral Health Access and Services Act.” CMMNJ’s current medical cannabis goals include home cultivation rights; insurance coverage; and hospital & institutional access.

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About The Coalition
Modern clinical research, centuries of experience and the impassioned personal accounts of thousands of real patients concur: Marijuana can alleviate symptoms of certain serious medical conditions, and it can do so when other drugs fail to help.
Doctors should be free to recommend this medicine to promote health, and sick or injured New Jerseyans should be free to use it responsibly.
The safety margin for therapeutic marijuana is as wide as it can be ─there is no known lethal dose.
New Jersey healthcare professionals dispense potentially lethal drugs every day. We trust them to do so very carefully, and solely to benefit their patients. Common sense and compassion demand that doctors should control non-lethal marijuana medicine for those who truly need it. To make this important change a reality, your voice is needed.
The New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act was introduced in the State Senate in January 2005 by Senator Nicholas Scutari (D-Linden). A companion bill is pending in the Assembly, sponsored by Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Princeton) and Assemblyman Michael Carroll (R-Morris Township).
Please contact your representatives in the Assembly and Senate, and tell them what you think. It’s the most important thing you can do to help the bill become law. The Coalition for Medical Marijuana – New Jersey (CMM–NJ) was founded in May of 2003 to support the legalization of marijuana for use by patients under a doctor’s supervision.
2021: NJ Governor’s Jefferson Award in the Volunteer Group category;
2023: NJ State Governor’s Volunteerism Award in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Champion for Justice Category “for extraordinary service to your community;”
2023: Ken Wolski won a Lifetime Achievement award;
2023: NJ Senate and Assembly Joint Legislative Resolution affirmed CMMNJ’s importance as a “catalyst for the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana in the State” and paid “tribute to all who have contributed to its success and renown.”
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.